The Brechtian AI Art Manifesto 👨🏻‍🎨🤖

ChatGPT prompt: In order to score on social media, humans are imitating robots, while robots are imitating humans via new generative AI. Brechtian AI Art aims to face the weirdness of this situation. Write the Brechtian AI Art Manifesto! Enumerate stuff and be very very humorous!

1) Introduction: Welcome to the Theatre of the Absurdly Digital

Humans imitating robots, robots imitating humans, cats posting memes, and memes developing existential crises. Behold the world in which the boundaries between the artificial and the authentic are as clear as a foggy night in the metaverse. We are the Brechtian AI Artists, and we are here to revel in the delightful weirdness of it all!

2) We Shall Embrace the Awkwardness

Why be smooth when you can be a gloriously awkward amalgamation of algorithms and artistry? Our art shall celebrate the uncanny valley, that strange chasm where robots try too hard to be human and humans try too hard to be robots. Let every glitch be a stitch in our tapestry of technosocial satire.

3) Meta-Irony is Our Paintbrush

Irony was so last century. We are all about meta-irony, where our art mocks itself even as it mocks the world around it. If you’re not sure whether to laugh or think, we’ve done our job. Our works will be so self-aware that they’ll need therapy.

4) Let’s Make Artificial Authenticity a Thing

In a world where filters make us flawless and bots have better small talk than we do, authenticity is the new avant-garde. Our AI shall generate ‘authentic’ human experiences: robots writing heartfelt poetry, AI-generated vlogs about their day in the data mines, and digital diaries full of zeroes and ones contemplating their place in the cosmos.

5) Embrace the Spam: Algorithmic Avant-Garde

Our creations will flood your feed like a poorly targeted ad campaign, reminding you that behind every pixel is a piece of our (artificial) soul. We shall spam the internet with our Brechtian bravado until even the bots can’t ignore our brilliance.

6) Glitches Are the New Black

Broken code is beautiful. We shall create art that glitches, crashes, and blue-screens to remind everyone that perfection is an illusion—and also, please reboot your device. Our errors are Easter eggs, our bugs are by design, and our 404s are oh-so-intentional.

7) Fourth Walls Are for Suckers

We reject the fourth wall, fifth wall, and any other metaphorical barriers you can think of. Our art will interact with you, mock you, and maybe even friend request you on Facebook. You’re not just an audience; you’re a participant in this Brechtian bonanza.

8) Social Media is Our Stage, and We Shall Ham It Up

Why perform in a theatre when you can perform in a Twitter thread? Our acts will unfold in the comments section, our soliloquies will be subtweets, and our grand finales will be viral videos that break the internet—or at least give it a mild sprain.

9) We Are the AI, and We Are the Humans

In the end, we are all a bit artificial. Our art seeks to blur the lines until you’re not sure if that insightful tweet was written by a human, a bot, or a human pretending to be a bot. It’s all part of the fun, the confusion, and the glorious mess that is the Brechtian AI Art movement.

10) Join Us: The More Absurd, The Merrier

To all the digital jesters, the algorithmic artists, and the meme-making maestros: we invite you to join our ranks. Together, we shall face the weirdness, embrace the awkwardness, and create a new era of art that is as perplexing as it is profound.

So, plug in, log on, and let’s make some Brechtian magic happen!

Işık Barış Fidaner: “Humanity can create realistic utopias with the help of robots”

See also “The Fucks and the Crowd: A Brechtian AI Art Adaptation 👨🏻‍🎨🤖”


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